C++ output requested for a file whose name is already 31 characters long. Cannot replace ".f" with ".cp". The output file will end in ".c" even though it is C++ code. Cannot set-up a default folder for Mac F2C's UNIX kernel to read and write files from. Quitting & restarting, and make sure the FORTRAN files are not on the desktop or a locked volume. Cannot save your selection to the preference file. Something is wrong. I suggest quitting, deleting the Mac F2C preference file, and re-starting. Cannot figure out the factory settings. Something is very wrong. I suggest quitting and re-starting Mac F2C. If that fails, try re-installing Mac F2C. Cannot figure out the option settings. Something is very wrong. I suggest quitting, deleting the Mac F2C preference file, and re-starting. If that fails, try re-installing Mac F2C. Cannot read the data for setting f2c options. Something is very wrong. I suggest quitting and re-starting Mac F2C. If that fails, try re-installing Mac F2C. Sorry, Mac F2C cannot be run on this compute because it requires System 7 or better. Mac F2C has run out of memory and cannot continue. Please assign Mac F2C more memory in the Finder “Get Info” window. Error initializing Toolbox and menus. Mac F2C is probably damaged; try re-installing from a clean back-up copy and re-boot your Mac.